
Hello all!

I was attempting to begin a side story from my main legacy Only Time Will Tell. However, it ended up being an entirely independent story. When I first realized this, I wanted to create an Amazon legacy and got half way through before I reliazed I didn’t want that either. The story ended up falling somewhere between The Prehistoric/Early Civilization Era of The History Challenge and The Amazon Challenge.

I’m so sorry to disappoint any of you who came here looking for true Amazon story, however this is not the case. It’s a mesh of sorts, between the two cultures and the struggle of my founder, Itdae, to find some sort of balance.

Current Generation: 1


Chapter 6: Homecoming



To anyone else, it would look pitiful. But to her, it was a wonderful site. Things had changed, though. The garden had become even bigger, no doubt thanks to Nilipie’s hard work. Flowers of all kinds, herbs, spices, fruits and vegetables now spread like wildfire.
‘She has a rare talent for plants, why didn’t this show before?’

What surprised her was the absence of her lodging. A very small tent now stood in its place, with stone and wood stacked behind it.
‘What has she been doing while I was away?’
“Looks like you had everything prepared for when I returned. You were that sure you would find me, or were you planning on bringing just anyone back?” Kastor asked glumly from beside her. His whole demeanor had changed since the boating incident. He now acted like a proper slave, doing everything she asked without hesitation. It was enough to make her miss the old Kastor. Almost.
“That is Nilipie’s doing, not mine. What was she thinking?” She heard footsteps coming up the trail that lead toward the bay she used for fishing. Nilipie’s head bobbed into view a few moments later. “Kastor, there’s something you should know before she gets here.”
“I already know, Lady Itdae. Top pleasure slave had its perks, remember?” He forced a smiled, but his eyes exposed the lie. Weariness had become a permanent feature over the last few days.


“Itdae!” The high pitched shriek, followed by a girlish giggle, made her turn. Nilipie was now walking as quickly as her large belly would allow towards them. “I was hoping you would be back soon! I tried to count the days, but I must admit I must have lost count. I expected you back several days ago.”
Itdae embraced her and smiled. “We had to take a detour and trade for a boat to bring us out here.” She shook her head, stopping the oncoming questions. “It’s a long story. Look who I brought with me.”
Nilipie’s face lit up. She took half a step forward, the paused. “Kastor. It’s good to see you again. I’m so glad Itdae was able to find you, and that you both are safe.” Itdae almost laughed aloud at how childish Nilipie sounded. Like a ‘matter-of-fact’ child attempting to sound more mature than she was.
Kastor stood numbly, looking from Itdae to Nilipie and then back again. Itdae shook her head, threw her hands in the air and stomped off.
“Nilipe, what did you do to my house?” She yelled over her shoulder, but smiled as she entered the tent. ‘A good long nap is what I need. Those two can work out their issues on their own for now.’

A sharp cry tore Itdae from sleep. Without thinking, she lunged out of the tent and looked around wildly. Nilipie giggled from somewhere behind her before mumbled voices floated her way.
“Oh, Itdae! I’m sorry, did he wake you?” She glanced at Kastor and grinned. “It seems he has gotten soft during his days of luxury.”
Kastor mumbled and picked up another stone. “I haven’t done this in years. My mind remembers the steps, my body just doesn’t want to cooperate.”
“We wanted to get started on building our new home.” She said to Itdae, then quickly corrected herself. “Yours and mine, I mean. Hopefully you can forgive me for tearing down your old lodging, but I needed to keep myself busy while you were away. Plus, all I really needed was that small tent anyway. I purchased a larger one for the two of us once you returned. Kastor can have the smaller one. Oh and as you can see,” she gestured to herself, “I outgrew my previous outfit. Hopefully you don’t mind that I purchased another.” She smiled again and grabbed Itdae’s hands, stalling Itdae from scolding her about leaving the island. “Come, I set several traps down by the water. Let’s go check them and I’ll start dinner. You can wash while we are down there. You should really think about another outfit too, this one really doesn’t suit you.”


Itdae let herself be led down the trail. The familiar smells and sounds soother her bruised soul.
“Is everything alright between you two?” She asked softly once the ground leveled out.

Nilipie loosened her grip, then pulled away completely. “Yes, and no. We both have demons to deal with, and he’s not happy that I’m keeping this baby, or that I’m on your side about his freedom.” She rubbed her stomach as she walked, glancing at Itdae out of the corner of her eye. “Did you do it on purpose?”
“Do what?”
“Kill those men just to scare Kastor into obedience? We both know that wasn’t your Goddess.”
Guilt gripped her once again and she struggled to shake it off. “I didn’t do it to bull him into submission, Nilipie.” She squeezed her eyes shut, then tilted her head back to stare through the trees. Pure white clouds gently passed across her clear blue sky, birds sang out and flittered around the tree tops. This use to put her mind at ease, assure her that she had made the right choice by leaving. Never once had she missed her home since arriving here. ‘Mother, I am sorry of what my leaving meant.’
They arrived at the waters edge. Nilipie busied herself checking the traps while Itdae took a deep breath, stripped off her clothes, and plunged into the chilly water. Using the sand and gravel along the bottom, she scrubbed her skin until it was pink. As she was  wringing the last of the water from her hair, old memories began to break free from the back of her mind.


“Are you alright?” Nilipie stood in front of her now, a few fish and crabs filled a basket on her hip, head cocked in concern.

Itdae did her best to smile. “Yes. Just dealing with some demons of my own.”
Nilipie linked arms with her and began the assent towards home. “I won’t tell if you don’t.” She said gently.

Chapter 5: The Journey

Itdae followed silently behind Kastor as he made his way through another dense patch of foliage. Exhaustion clung to her, suffocating, as the days passed slowly by. She had slept little since they left the city. First due to the possibility that they might be followed and their throats slit while they slept. And second because of the possibility that Kastor himself may slit her throat.
Now that they were near the end of their journey, she could at least put her mind at ease knowing that no one pursued them. By the grace of the Goddess, Nenet had clearly understood her threat to notify the Amazonian Queen. But one worry was replaced with another.
‘How will I deal with the Queen myself?


She had no delusions that the Queen wouldn’t find out eventually. Kastor had been well hidden inside that pleasure house. All of their patrons were either ignorant of his identity, or they were well paid – possibly threatened – to keep that information silent. If the Queen did come to investigate, which she would,  she would not only find a runaway Son, but a deserter as well. She and Kastor would suffer a very similar fate.
“You alright back there? You’ve been rather loud today.” Kastor quietly called back.
Itdae glanced up and blinked, confused by his comment. She hadn’t said a single word since they broke camp this morning.
Kastor chuckled. “You’ve blundered into just about everything that could possibly make noise. No wonder you’re out here on your own. What did they do? Cast you out of your tribe?”
Itdae ignored the comment and continued on, being more careful where she placed her feet. “What do you plan when we arrive, Kastor?”
He absently swatted at an insect that buzzed around his head, “I honestly don’t know. I’ve never been free before.”
“Make no mistake, Kastor, you’re not a free man.”
Kastor stopped then, his muscles tense as he turned to face her. His face gave nothing away, but his eyes were dark and hateful. “And what makes you think you own me? I could easily slip away, or kill you where you stand.”
“Then why don’t you?”
“I’d never find Nilipie that way.” He took a deep breath and continued on, slowly making his way to a nearby trail.


Itdae followed after a few heartbeats. Her head felt thick and stuffy. ‘I should have stayed alone on my little island. Just my Goddess and me.’
“I paid for you, Kastor, and while Nilipie helped out, she only helped gather what was already mine.”
“You have no way of keeping me once we reach your little compound.”
He said it so arrogantly that her skin prickled from the anger boiling up inside of her. ‘This. This is why my people hate men, and keep them as slaves instead of equals.’
“You’re right, I don’t. It has to be obvious by now that I am no warrior. Quite honestly, if you ran, I wouldn’t feel a desire to hunt you down. Maybe it’s because I know Nilipie would be with you, and she has suffered enough already. Maybe it’s because I don’t have the heart for bloodshed any longer. Maybe it’s because with you gone, your mother won’t find me too. Whatever the reason, I do know one thing: Nilipie won’t let you leave until I give my blessing.” She held up her hand to silence his protest. “I know, I know. I haven’t known her for very long, but I do know that she is eternally grateful that I gave her freedom and what safety I could offer her. I doubt she would leave before your debt is paid, and in turn, you will not go without her.”


‘Not to mention she is heavily pregnant. Goddess, his anger is exhausting! Is this how it always is? Is this why my people snuff out any indication of disobedience among the men they rule over?’
“Before I left to find you, we did discuss the possibility of your freedom. Or rather, of you earning your freedom.”
He was silent for a time, then quietly, almost to soft for her to hear. “I will never be free of our people.”

They both crouched silently behind a fallen tree. It’s giant, rotting trunk hiding them from the men on the shoreline.
“So much for your boat trip back home. Now what?” Kastor breathed near her ear.
“Would you risk being seen yet in town?” When he didn’t answer, she sucked in a deep breath and silently prayed to her Goddess before scrambling to the other side of the log. She could hear Kastor cursing her from behind.
The men cried out in dismay as she appeared, and scrambled for their weapons.
“Easy men.” She said firmly as she approached their camp. “Lower your weapons, I have simply come to fetch what is fine.”
The men glanced at each other, then laughed. “Yours, eh? We found this here boat abandoned. It’s ours now, girl, but perhaps you can buy it back. We don’t need no coin though, better get creative.”

They tensed as Kastor approached from behind Itdae. “I don’t think you understand. That boat belongs to my tribe, other women like myself, of the Amazon.” She smiled when she saw their gaze shift restlessly back and forth as if more warriors would appear from the tree line. “Not only does it belong to us, but the Goddess protects what is ours. You are free to sail off in that boat and I won’t stop you. But you won’t get very far.” She laughed then, “And I hope you all are good swimmers!”
She flicked her hand and sighed. “Come, Kastor. Leave these men to their fate. Let’s go and find a good spot to watch as they leave here.”
Kastor followed, his every step tense as he walked confidently behind her. They quickly climbed up the nearest slope that would face the water, not speaking until they reached the top and were sure then men hadn’t followed.
“I don’t think they will leave the boat.” He pointed towards the men, now loading their meager belongings, very quickly, into the small boat.
“We’ll have to trade for a new one then. Wait-” She said quickly as he began to turn and descend the slope. “-you’ll want to see this.”
The men were half way out into the bay when the first frightened cries filled the air. Itdae gazed out, her heart as heavy as stone. ‘Why didn’t they just give it back, my Goddess? Now, they must die for their theft.’


Kastor stood rigid, his mouth open slightly in shock. “The boat! It-it’s sinking!”
It didn’t take long for two of the men to sink below the water line. The third was left to thrash around wildly as he struggled in vain to keep his head above the water. “The Goddess does not take pity on thieves.”
She turned on heel and began her descent down the slope. She heard Kastor stumble after her, and her thoughts began to drift back to when she left the boat there. She had punched two holes into the bottom of the boat; one in front, one in back. Then, carefully, she placed the punched out pieces back into their holes. If inspected closely, the imperfection could be seen. But if a thief came and took the boat, the pressure from the water would, eventually, force the ill-fitted pieces out of their holes and sink the boat.

‘Maybe this was for the best. I doubt Kastor will try to slip away in the night now.’

Note: When I began this chapter, I thought I knew where I wanted it to go. Then a new idea came up half way through and I couldn’t decide which way to go. I literally had to flip a coin to make the decision!

Chapter 4 (part 2): Business or Pleasure


The slave that led her to the designated room bowed and let the curtain fall behind her. Itdae took in the room. There were no additional entryways, but there were several openings that served as windows against the back wall.
She took two steps into the room before she felt a light caress on her shoulders. She suppressed a scream and the instinct to pull away. Her hair was swept to the side as lips gently began to trail across her skin.
She cleared her throat and began to pull away. “Oh, um, I’m not-”
In her ear, Kastor hiss quickly. “If this is not what you want, even though that’s what you told my master, then I should warn you they are listening through small holes in the walls. They will only leave once we couple.”


Itdae felt her stomach clench, nausea rising in her throat. She shivered but nodded, letting herself be led towards the soft bed near the windows.
‘Nilipie, forgive me if you love this man.’


Itdae lay with Kastor on her arm, their legs tangle in the sheets that lay half off the bed. She would never admit to anyone, but she could see Nenet’s reluctance to part with him.
“I think they’re gone.” He said, crawling up to nibble her ear. “Now tell me why you’re here.”
“I’m here to purchase you. Simple as that.”
“No. I think there’s more to it than that. You could have found cheaper pleasure slaves down in the market. Most people don’t go to a pleasure house looking to buy their slaves.”


Itdae bit her lip, refusing to respond to her bodies growing desire. “Tell me, did you have any skills before you came here?”
A sinister smiled crept onto his face and he tightened his grip around her. “I know you, woman of the amazon. Yes. I know you because I am the Son of an Amazon queen, and can see the truth written on your face and in the way you move and think. As a Son, I was trained in all areas, even though I wasn’t to live past my 20th year. But again, there are slaves cheaper than I could ever be who would do a better job. I would rather see you dead than let you drag me back into that nightmare.”
“I-I-” Her stomach flipped as his hand began to trail down her arm. A chill went through her. Sweet, merciful Goddess. Why would you plague me with these twisted feelings! A man shouldn’t make me feel this way.
“Nilipe!” She blurted as his hand hovered above her nipple, teasing it.

Kastor froze, his once distended manhood wilting immediately. “Nilipie.”
Itdae waited impatiently, fear still blooming in her chest but her heart was aching at the tenderness in his voice.


He pushed away from her and quickly stumbled out of the bed. “Listen quickly. There’s only one way Nenet will part with me and spare your life. Blackmail. And you better hope you can pull this off or you won’t make it out of this building alive.”

The sun was setting when Itdae rejoined Nenet. She smiled lazily, shooing the slaves from the room. “Come and sit. You must be famished after spending an entire evening in absolute bliss.”
Itdae sat and slowly ate a few grapes, staring idly out over the city. Lights were beginning to wink into existence inside homes. She could see a few stragglers returning home, none of which were slaves.


“I still wish to purchase Kastor.”
Nenet chuckled. “You couldn’t possibly have enough coin to make me part with him. Now do us both a favor, stop this madness and be on your way.”
“Oh, I think you will sell him to me. At a very reasonable price too.” She turned so she was facing Nenet. “I heard a very interesting story, floating around your pleasure house. About how you change prices depending on who is visiting.”


Tsk. That’s just good business sense, my dear girl. Hardly anything illegal.”
“No, but I doubt the nobles and royals in town would be pleased to hear that they are paying five times the price that a regular citizen pays for the same slave.” She gazed seriously at Nenet, mirroring the arrogance that played on her face moments before. “I also heard another interesting story.”
“You are mistaking stories for rumors.”
“Perhaps. But this rumor involves your own son. See, rumor has it that you favor one specific slave here, frequenting his bed quite often. This rumor also mentions how you became pregnant at a time when your husband was not even in the city. Odd that your husband would make a bastard child the sole heir to his fortune.”


Nenet’s face contorted in anger, her body shaking with rage. “How dare you speak such filthy lies in my home!”
A smile lifted at the edges of Itdae’s mouth, eyes alight with mischief. “Your household, servants and slaves alike, are already whispering behind their hands to certain patrons. Right now it remains just a simple rumor, entertainment if you will, easily forgotten once they are spent. It would be a shame if they whispered it into the wrong set of ears.”
“Who are you to blackmail me, you little witch!”
“Someone who simply wishes to purchase one of your pleasure slaves for a decent price. I will obviously keep in mind that he is highly skilled, more so than those that can be purchased on the streets below.”


“Get out!” Nenet screeched.
Itdae rose, bowing in Nenet’s direction. “As you wish.” She walked a few steps towards the entryway, before turning and raising a finger. “Oh, one more thing. You should know, I have set up a message with several runners to deliver word to a certain Queen of Santrake on the whereabouts of her runaway Son. Honor will bind her to come and kill both her Son and the woman who hid him from her for so long. Those messengers are to leave from several different places at a specific time to insure they are not caught. Unless, of course, I cancel the request.”


Note: Kastor, as previously mentioned, was generously donated by MrsRacooney (DotW). Funny thing, I wrote this chapter before I realized Kastor has the alluring trait. His role position as a pleasure slave was just meant to be.

Chapter 4 (part 1): Business or Pleasure

The journey to Nilipie’s home took longer than expected. She had been gone 3 weeks now, but as she gazed upon the city she did so in awe and understood why Nilipie was taken so far away.
The city was extensive, unlike anything she had ever seen in her short life. Her own home was nothing compared to this. And according to Nilipie, this was but a small town to her people. ‘If these people ever feel like attacking…Goddess protect them.’ She shuddered at the thought as she forced her weary feet onward.



The road led up to the city between two great pillars of stone. Only the Goddess knew how they managed to move and set them upright. It was early morning so the street was packed full with people, carts with goods, and animals. So many sights and smells assaulted her it was almost overwhelming.
‘And to think, I am to find one slave in all of this…’


And so began her hunt. She took her time, enjoying the different wares the vendors offered, along with different types of food and cloth and jewelry. It was nearing late afternoon when she spied a slaver who was closing up for the afternoon heat.
“Greetings! I am Itdae. I’m searching for a woman called Nenet. I would greatly appreciate directions to where I may find her.”
The man scrutinized her for a moment before nodding. “Hmp, another Amazonian. Not surprised.” He turned and pointed, “You see that building with the red pillars up there. That’s it, now go. I have other things to attend beside some lustful woman.”
Confused at the statement, she thanked him and headed for the building he indicated.
‘What does he mean Lustful Woman? Amazonian’s are fierce warriors, not lustful pigs like men are.’


By the time she reached the home of Nenet, she was sweating profusely. She turned and gazed at the throng of buildings and back to the main gate. ‘No wonder stalls here close in the afternoon.’
“Greetings, lovely lady. How may I serve you?” A masculine voice snapped her attention back towards the entryway.
“I am looking for Lady Nenet. Will I find her here?”
Puzzled, the man cocked his head. “She is in, Lady. But she does not entertain…I can show you many fine specimens if you would tell me your preference.”
Understanding dawned on her and her cheeks colored lightly. “I’m here for business, not pleasure.”
“Apologies. Let me see if she will see you.”


‘Nilipie seems to have left out a rather important detail. Good thing I brought plenty of coin.’ Her gaze roamed the spacious room she had been left in. The air was cooler in here, smelled much sweeter. The stone work was beautiful, as was the decoration and furniture. To be a slave here was probably better than elsewhere. The only thing that ruined it was the giggles and moans that floated around on that sweet, cool air.
“Lady, if you will follow me.”

He led her through many beautifully decorated rooms filled with slaves and guests alike. The final room had only three walls. The fourth was simply an opening out onto a balcony overlooking the city. Sheer white curtains blew gently in the breeze.
“Greetings!” Nenet sauntered up, arms raised like she was the Goddess herself. “I hear you are interested in more than pleasure in my house. Come, sit with me.” She flicked her wrist in dismissal and the slave quickly departed, leaving the two alone. “Now,” she said seductively after they were seated, “tell me what you would like to procure. I have a wide variety of men and woman from all corners of the world.”
Itdae took a deep breath, now came the hard part. Trying to acquire a specific slave without arousing suspicion. “About a year ago, an old friend of mine sampled a slave by the name of Kastor. She praised him highly for some time and said, well, as you can imaging some perverse things.”


Nenet laughed, clapping her hands like a little girl. “Oh I love to hear how pleased my patrons are!”
Itdae smiled, trying to hide her emotions. The idea of an Amazonian woman paying for pleasure with a slave was not only disturbing, but disgusting too. “I’m glad that pleases you. For you see, she spoke so highly of him that I wished to see for myself. And if I am as pleased as she was, I may inquire about purchasing him.”
The smile slid from her lips. Nenet cocked her head, blinked several times and chuckled awkwardly. “We seem to have a problem then. Kastor is not for sale. He is my most requested slave. I would lose much business if I sold him.”
Itdae let her gaze wander towards the town. “I see.” She said lazily. “Maybe a temporary solution. Might I sample him? And if I still feel strongly about purchasing him maybe we can find some agreement.”
“And if we can’t I just gave you a free ride.”
“If we do not reach an agreement I will gladly pay the normal rate for him.”
“Wonderful!” She squealed, jumping up. She clapped her hands twice and the slave from before entered the room. ” Prepare a private room for-”


“-Itade. Bring Kastor when you are finished. She will arive momentarily.” She stood and guided Itdae to the enryway. “Down the hall there, and to your right is the baths. We require all patrons to wash themselves and wear dress we provide during your visit. A slave will then show you to your room. Enjoy!”

Note: Kastor is none other than MrsRacooney’s, Daughter of the Warrioress, creation! He won’t be making a physical appearance until next chapter, but I wanted to make that note now.
The town and rooms was designed by myself. Most background Sims were pulled from the gallery and re-dressed. #egypt

Chapter 3: Decisions

As the weeks passed, Nilipie proved to be less useful than Itdae first thought. She wasn’t skilled in any one area, but knew enough to not botch the entire process of something. But she was willing to try, and was a quick learner which was all that mattered to Itdae. As a pair, they made a decent team at most things.
Thankfully, Nilipie proved to be an adept cook. After a year of undercooked or overcooked meals that were void of even the most basic seasonings, Nilipie’s food was a gift from the Goddess.

Now, on a stormy and miserable night, Itdae was more than grateful to have another here by her side. They both shared her small shelter which was big enough for the two of them, but not for the ever-growing child in Nilipie’s belly. Itdae had hastily constructed it her first night on the island when a storm, similar to the one raging around them, had appeared quite suddenly. Over the course of a year, she had made adjustments and improvements here and there but it needed so much more for a child to live there.

“In your home town, did they have a slave market?” She felt ridiculous for asking such a question. Surely a place with slaves had a slave market.


Nilipie grew quiet, fidgeting with the hem of her dress. “It’s more of a city than a town, but oh yes, there are many of them. Some even specialize in slaves with specific talents such as cleaning or weaving or masonry.”
“I only ask because, well, we will need a proper shelter soon. This shelter won’t work once the baby is here. And since you were born a slave I thought you may know a more…trustworthy male to bring here in order to help with the building. I’m sure I could manage to build one alone, as long as your don’t mind horrible drafts and leaking roofs.” They both laughed, but when it subsided Itdae took on a serious tone. “A less trustworthy male will, as I told your previous master, slit my throat and be gone before my last breath is drawn.” She gazed at the fire, lost in memories of years past. “I was never the strongest or most athletic among my people.”


Silence engulfed them. The only noise was the patter of rain on the roof and the crackle of the dying fire.
Nilipie’s voice was barely above a whisper when she finally spoke. “I may know of one…but he will not come cheap, if at all. His mistress adores him. She paid dearly for him and I don’t know why because he was destined for the mines. The last person to ask for him was found a few days later…he had been raped brutally before his head…it was found inside a gash that was made down his stomach.”
Itdae turned her head towards Nilipie, gazing silently at her shadowed form. Who was this man of hers to provoke such a tender tone?

“Then I guess we had better double our efforts at income. The day after tomorrow I’ll make a trip to the nearest town and sell what we have in surplus. Maybe I can catch fish and frogs and smoke them. I’m sure with your seasonings it will sell well at market.”

Nilipie stared at the roof long into the night after they both had retired to bed. She scarcely dared to hope that this wasn’t some horrible dream. That she would soon wake up and be back in a living nightmare, the clutches of the Prince.


She shuddered and pinched herself, hard, sucking air through her teeth as pain flourished under her fingers. ‘Real then, no dream.’ Could she dare hope that Kastor would be sold by his mistress and they would be reunited? And even if they were, would it be the same as if they were both slaves back in Egypt? Forbidden to touch and share a life together. ‘Itdae is an Amazon after all…he will certainly be a slave here.’

Nilipie glanced over at Itdae’s sleeping form. The woman had done so much for her, more than she could ever repay. But despite her oddities, she was still an Amazonian woman at heart, wasn’t she? If she found and purchased Kastor, he would be a slave here. She was a free woman though, did that matter? Did her opinion matter here? This isn’t really her home. ‘Yet…she gave me the choice.’ Maybe they both could work off his debt and earn his freedom…but what then. It’s one thing to show indifference to a child who can’t lash out, but a grown man? Would she even allow him to stay if he gained his freedom?


‘Think of those things later. Focus on making enough coin to free him.’

Her heart lurched as another thought entered her mind: would she be allowed to accompany Itdae? As much as her heart fluttered at the thought of seeing Kastor again, there was another that she wanted to see one last time. She had only a glimpse of her once before and that was put my by chance that she even saw her.
‘Amaunet, my daughter. Do I dare, even now, visit you and risk leading those demons to you.’


She shook the idea from her thoughts. Far to great a risk to herself, to Amaunet, and her unborn child. Her future lie here, far away from that evil city. For now, at least.
She tenderly stroked her stomach before turning onto her side. ‘Tomorrow, I’ll work extra hard to gain the items needed to win his freedom, little one. He may not be your father, but I would have it so he will raise you and father your future brother or sister.’

Note: I’d like to take the time to mention that Amaunet, Nilipie’s first born, will be appearing in MrsRacooney’s Daughter of the Warrioress in Generation 2. It will be a minor role, but if you would like to learn a little about Amaunet life then you should check it out! She is not scheduled to make an appearance in Tribe Teoce at this time.
The lodge was actually created by Larifari2009 (#NomadLiving), but was re-constructed and re-decorated a bit.
I’ll have another fun little note for you all in the next chapter!

Chapter 2: Confessions

The silence on the journey home was suffocating. The girl, Nilipie, refrained from speaking and when she did it was simple one or two worded responses. The first night they made camp, she insisted on setting up and cooking their meal. It made Itdae highly uncomfortable, but allowed it.


The next morning proved to be following the same path.
“I assume that my assumption was correct?” She asked after they had traveled a ways, the sun rising high above them.
“Of how you came to be with child.”
“Oh. Um, yes…it was most uncanny how accurate you were. Are you a witch?”
Itdae genuinely laughed at the notion. “No, Nilipie. Simply observant of the happenings around me. So who was he?”

She was silent for a while, plodding along in silence. Itdea could see the jaw muscles flexing as she worked through some internal struggle. “He is Pharaoh’s son, a future prince, in line to rule after his father passes from this life.”


“Well, I can see why it was important enough for them to smuggle you out after your high priestess spoke for you. His father, this Pharaoh, didn’t want your demise as well?”
“He was never informed. The prince had this happen once before but with one of Pharao’s chief advisors daughters. Their silence was bought and the child slaughtered upon birth. Phararoh’s wrath after the incident was…disturbing, to say the least. The prince did not want a repeat of past events.”

Itdae considered this information. The Pharaoh was obviously not a man to be trifled with, possibly not even reasoned with. “Will the child cause problems later on in life if Pharaoh discovers it?”
“No. His heir will be sons of his Royal wife or possibly a lesser wife. The prince is the son of a lesser wife and therefore not in direct line to inherit. If he does inherit, only children from his wives will be in line after him.”
“Even more reason to pray for a girl then.”


Itdae let silence settle over them once more, contemplating the knowledge she gained about Nilipie’s people. Man seems to be the dominate sex in their society, and the lower women suffered for it.
“Itdae? W-what do you have planned for me? Forgive me, I know it’s not my place to ask, but I would like to know my tasks so I can prepare myself.”
Itdae stopped short. It had never occurred to her to tell Nilipie that she was no loner a slave. Being from Amazonian culture, she assumed everyone knew their traditions. Something she would need to remember in the future.
Nilipie was shaking, fear pumping through her like flood waters. “I’m sorry if I have offended you!”
Itdae smiled gently. “No, it is my fault. I must learn I am around new people’s now who are not familiar with my people’s ways. Nilipie, Amazonian women do not keep female slaves. They may be bound to another until a debt is paid, but never as a slave. You, and your child are free to do as you please. I was hoping you would return with me as it does get lonely being by myself, but if you would like to leave I will not stop you.”


“I-I-I will need to think about this. I’ve never been…free.”

Itdae resumed walking, “Take your time. If you want to stay until the baby is born and then leave, well, that will be fine as well.”

That night, Itdae stopped to camp a few hours journey from her home. She wanted to give Nilipie more time to come to terms with her freedom before natural responses, like cooking and cleaning, took over and convinced her to stay.
She lay on her back, listening to the sounds of night and the crackling of their little fire. She sent a small prayer to her Goddess for her wisdom.


“Itdae…are you awake?”
“I am.” Itdae sat upright, sleep would not visit either of them easily tonight.
“I would like nothing more than to stay with you for the time being, but I need to ask something. You keep no female slaves, which means you do keep male ones…if my child is male, what will happen to him. You say I’m free, which means my child is as well, but from the way the goo-,” she stopped herself and took a deep breath, “from the way Nifiria, the one selling me, was speaking, it sounds as if you hate males.”

Itdae was quiet for a while, so long that she heard Nilipies soft rhythmic breathing change, indicating sleep. This was the one thing she had yet to properly come to terms with. Growing up, it had been ingrained into every child that men were not to be trusted and were not their equals. They were good for basic chores and breeding, at which they sometimes failed to produce a female offspring.
But after listening to her Goddess whisper tales of love and equality among some men and women, she began to doubt. Her heart was torn in two: be her mothers daughter, or her Goddesses vessel.


“Maybe,” she said aloud, knowing there was no one listening, “when the child is born, and it is male, I won’t look upon it with disgust as my people do.”
Nilipie stirred in her sleep, snuggling deeper under her covers.
“Boy or Girl, I will not harm your child. I will protect it as if it is my own…but I cannot promise I will love it.”

Chapter 1: The Gift

1 Year Later


“My Goddess? Can you hear me? Please, I’m begging you to answer me. I’ve been alone so long now. I haven’t seen another living soul since I arrived. I miss the company of others…my crops flourish, though there are not many, and I have an abundant stock of fish and gems that I’ve found in the area. They are of no use to just one person…please.”
The mist around her clung to her skin, deadening all noise. She felt truly and utterly alone now.

“Oh child.” A soft voice said, seeming to come from every direction. “I hear your pain, but today is not the day. In one weeks time, head due north. Two days journey you will find a village, and there you will find the balm to ease your wounded soul.”

Itdae stood on the edge of the water, gazing across at the civilization she so craved. Her excitement was so high, that had the Goddess not said it was exactly two-day journey, she would have run the entire way. Now her excitement was ebbing, giving way to an apprehension of what lay ahead. She came from a long line of women who didn’t fear men. But she was no warrior, nor did she have one around to help her if she got into trouble. She had no idea if the men were dominating to women or equals or submissive.

She sucked in a deep breath and plunged ahead. If her Goddess said to go there, then she would no matter what. The cold water bit into her bare legs as she slipped her small boat into the water and jumped in, paddling towards the far shore. She glanced around as she got farther out. What she thought was a large river was actually a small bay, which meant the land she just left was a large island. Odd that she never noticed that before now.
She beached her boat, pulling it far enough up onto the shore that high tide wouldn’t wash it out, collected her bad of trading goods and strode into the village with an air of confidence she didn’t feel.

There were five smaller stalls, two on one side and three on the other, and a larger communal building near the back. A large and elegant fountain decorated the center. Idly she wondered how they managed to keep the water so clear and cool.
The first two stalls were almost useless to her. The first stall contained random decorative pieces, not needed right now but later on would prove useful. However, she would probably be able to sell her gems there. The second was filled with children toys and activities, another that was of no use at the moment.


The front stall on the opposite side was a mixture of decorative and practical. She didn’t need the pretty vases with flowers, yet, but she could sure use the seeds sold at the stall. Maybe she could start selling her flowers to the vendor.
The next stall contained an assortment of vegetables and fruits along with their respected seeds and fertilizers. This was what she needs most. There was only so much variety she could get on her island.

She veered off towards the produce stall, it was still early enough to find things still fresh. Her stomach grumbled at the thought of delicious fresh fruits. She haggled with the stall vendor for a little while, coming away with a sack of apples and pears, seeds of various fruits and vegetables, plus some sweet, juicy strawberries to snack on during the journey home.


She turned, smiling at the idea of adding to her little garden, when she spotted two shirtless men standing at attention near the last stall. ‘Slaves. An Amazonian, here?’ She peered at the faces of the slaves, arrogance painted plainly for all to see. She laughed at the idea, slaves who thought themselves better than others. Glancing behind them she soon saw why, no amazon lay lounging on the cushions but someone else.


Her face was painted up like some child’s doll, hair jet black and tinkling with the gems that decorated it as the breeze stirred. Without opening her eyes, a smile turned up on the corner of her mouth. “I was wondering if you would show up here.” She laughed, “I’ve been watching you since you entered the market. You’re obviously not from around here, but we have all heard stories from far off lands. Blood thirsty women called Amazonian’s rule there. Are you of them and come to buy one of these young bucks, perhaps? We have a wager, you see, as to which you’ll choose.”

At her silence, the woman sat up and patted the seat next to her. “Come, sit. Have some food and drink while we discuss matters.”


“So, I’m guessing that I was correct? You’re one of these…Amazon women?” She flashed a wicked grin. “Come now, we’re both the same, you and I. Now let’s see…the one on the right there,” She nodded towards the bald slave, “he cannot do too much around the house and is the weaker of the two, but is a beast in bed.” She giggled seductively, “He would provide you many strong daughters, I assure you of that.
The other one is less…exciting, but he is very handy to have around. He fixes practically everything that breaks, and is strong enough to move stone all day to build you many wonderful buildings.”

“Those two?” Itdea nodded towards the two men. “They hold no interest for me. Your so-called ‘slaves’ would slit my throat as soon as we were out of sight. No, those two can only be contained with armed guards around to put them in their places.”


“Then another? A companion, perhaps, of the female sex? Someone to have intelligent conversations with and take care of your Daughters. hm?” She smiled and gestured behind Itdea. “Or maybe…other ventures, as I have heard you women from the amazon are prone to. You prefer the company of women over men, do you not? She’s a rather pretty thing when she’s all cleaned up.”


Assuming the girl was the woman’s companion, she had never given her a second thought. Upon further inspection, she saw truth written all over the young girls face. Anger raged through her veins. A female slave was unheard of among her people, a servant perhaps if the woman was indebted to another, but never a slave.

“And what did this girl do to deserve the rank of slave?” Itdea said as calmly as possible.
Laughter filled the air. “Oh dear child! She was born a slave. Now, why is she here? That’s a more fitting question. She was an attendant to a very powerful priestess. All of her attendants must to be pure, never to be touched by a man. But this one, had other plans.” She let out an exasperated sigh. “She seduced one of the slaves and led him into her bed. But for the high priestesses intervention, the girl’s life would have been forfeit. I was told to sell her for 1,000 gold pieces since she was blessed by the high priestess, however since she has been tainted…I will allow her to go for 800 gold pieces, as a show of good faith between us.”


“Is that so?” Itdea met and held the woman’s gaze. “Because I see a different story. I have traveled very far, and know the signs well. This one,” She jerked a thumb over her shoulder, “could not seduce even herself, let alone another slave. The damage to her face was recent, as are the bite marks I see on her arm and leg. And, maybe I am mistaken, but I see clearly where the bulge of a child begins to show. Now, knowing your high priestess intervened for her life I doubt anyone would have abused her on the trip here, and that child is far enough along that this went on for some time before she was caught…or maybe the correct phrase should be ‘before she was discarded’.

The woman pursed her lips, back straightening.

“I think that the poor girl was raped repeatedly, probably by a man…or men, of high standing. And when she found out she was with child, she ran to her high priestess, which is probably the only thing that saved her from being left to rot in a dark place. Now, why is it that you brought her to a far away market, instead of one closer to home? More importantly, why you?”

The woman had regained her composure, but the smile had long faded from her lips. “Even if your story were true, it does not take from her worth. Many people would pay much more gold for a prize from the holy temples, even one as tainted as this.”
“Then why have you not sold her?” Itdea chuckled and shook her head. “No, good lady. I believe your covering for a very powerful man who was out ranked by a very powerful woman, and had to bring all the way out here to make sure she didn’t somehow end up back home again. 200 gold pieces, and that is being generous.”
“Generous! You insult me, amazon! Tch.” she flicked her hand in irritation, “You must remember that it’s not just one life, but two. You forget she also has a child.”


“A child no one will want, or even dare to touch? Who will likely be killed as a nuisance if you manage to sell the mother. I will not pay more than 200 gold for damaged goods and her child. Plus I take the chance it will be a boy, of which I have no use and will have to kill myself. So, will you go home with an unwanted girl who no one else wanted either, and displease your powerful man? Or sell her for 200 gold and spin some horrid tale about selling her to the lowest scum you could find?”


So this is what my life has become? A vast island of rocks and trees and…nothingness…


She had been the hopes of her people, a gift from the Goddess Eos. The Goddess herself had granted their high Priestess, Peilnestra, a vision. In this vision, she was not shown a wondrous utopia, where their tribe prevailed over all others and had the entirety of men on their knees. Instead, she was shown two people: Peilnestra and a man named Hristos. In this vision, the two mated only once, and produced a female child. This child would go on to be an important figure among their tribe and bring about change, for better or worse.

Her tribe was overjoyed to know the Goddess had blessed her with such knowledge, and began the long search for the man called Hristos. Much to their dismay, the man was no warrior or important figure among his people. He was nothing but a commoner, a very low one at that. He spent a great deal of his time in taverns and brothels and gaming houses.
“Maybe there is another with this name out there somewhere?” One of her sisters suggested one morning following their discovery.
“No.” She said sadly. “The Goddess showed me the mans face. This man, if you can call him such, is him.” Swallowing her pride, Peilnestra bedded the man then swiftly killed him to rid herself, and the world, of such a horrible taint.

There was great joy and celebrations when it was confirmed Peilnestra was carrying a child. They all prayed to the Goddess that the child would be healthy and strong and lead them down the right path.


Instead they got me...

Her very birth had been the start of the trouble. It had been hard on her mother, and she had nearly died due to blood loss. They all gave great tribute to the Goddess for letting her live to raise the child and continue advising the tribe of Her wishes. But still, her tribe was plagued with famine and disease and worse, infertility. Through all this, Peilnestra still gained visions from the Goddess that they were on the correct path and so they endured through these trials.

The child grew and she was soon ruled out of every rank among them. She wandered around helping here and there but never coming into her own with any one specific area. Her mother was at wits end trying to contain her blasphemous questions.
‘Why were there no men?’ ‘Why were they bad’ ‘Did they really have to kill so-and-so’s son?’ ‘Couldn’t they go back to the father?’
All this was taught to the children as they grew, it was ingrained in them and no one ever questioned it. Except for this child.

The council gathered one night, angry and bitter towards the child.
“What do we do?” They asked Peilnestra. “What does the Goddess want us to do with a child that refuses to learn our ways?”
To this Peilnestra had no answer. The Goddess had been silent for over a seasons turning now.

Upon entering womanhood, the girl was expected to do what others had before: go to a distant village, breed with an honorable man, then return with the hopes of carrying a female child. And so she traveled far, enjoying the freedom away from those disturbing stares and odd ways. But when she came to the village, and saw all of those men and woman living in harmony…she froze. It was just as the Goddess had shown her over the last year.

And it was beautiful.

She couldn’t return home, not after witnessing the truth behind her Goddesses words. She grieved for her mother and sisters. They would never know what befell her, she would make sure of that much to erase the pain of betrayal.


Now, as she started out over the vast water she had just crossed, she wondered if she had made the right choice. Even if she had the funds, she didn’t want to be a leader, and would never start her own tribe. But she didn’t want to be alone either. Joining one of the many villages she had passed was out of the question. Even though her ideas were different from that of her sisters, she still refused to submit to a man, or woman for that matter. Thankfully, due to her non-stop wandering about her tribe, she knew enough in every craft to get by.

Maybe tomorrow will bring the answers I need…